Tuesday 22 September 2009

Selamet Dhino Bodho!!

Eid Mubarak People!!

Yes! Raya is here again! This raya is extra special for me coz everybody's home!! YAY! The last time me and my siblings were under one roof was almost a whole decade ago. Yup. That long.

I stopped looking forward to Raya two years ago. Can't really recall why.. But this year, it feels different. I never thought that having a complete family gathering would make me feel soooo satisfied. The emotion is foreign to me, i can't describe it in words. Hmm it's kinda weird, coz i never have difficulty finding words. Well, almost never. hehe.

Anyways, we decided to drive back to Batu Pahat in two seperate cars cuz:
1- Abg has a wife and daughter,duh
2- Amai will take up 3 spaces all by himself. Ok i'm exaggerating. 2 and a half.

All in all, there're nine of us so two cars is actually just nice if not cramped. Daddy,mommy,along and amai went back first in the morning. I was still drooling happily on the sofa when they arrived. Haha. Abang,kakjo,erin,alang and i made a move at 10:30pm. The lights were long gone and the door was locked when we arrived. After waking mommy from her slumber, we tried to sneak in quietly, but you know how kampung floors are... *creeeeeeakkkk*

The next day was a blur. Much to my liking, all i remember is food food more fooood and sleep... My two favourite past times. Hihi~ Oh yeah! make three. Since it's rare for us to gather like this, and even rarer for us to celebrate Raya with a complete quorum, we took the opprtunity to snap as many photos as possible (regardless of the quality-less-ness of the pictures). Here's one:-

Wonder when the next gathering's gonna be...

Thursday 17 September 2009

Last Weekend is Taking its Toll!

If there is one word to describe the happenings of last weekend, it would be CRAZY. To prove how crazy it was, i can honestly say the only vivid image that keeps popping in my head is the one where i was barfing in front of customers from three different restaurants. Sorry i ruined your appetite people!

Anyways, since then i haven't been able to keep the contents from my stomach down everytime after iftar. Everyone else who cares around me keeps saying they're worried bout my health. Since i have them to think bout that, i'm actually more concerned bout my money! I mean, what a waste!! Ugh! If the places i went to eat were food from the ramadhan bazaar or even home cooked meals, i wouldn't mind much. But the fact that we kept going out to fancy places that cost me and the people who pay for my meals a fortune (thank you and sorry) agitates me! Of all the times i choose to barf and waste! Like i said, people belanja me once in a blue moon. And we don't get blue moons in Malaysia, do we? So how rare is that?

This is where we ate last night =)

Last night's iftar was on someone else so i was damn determined to not re-display what i ate. The food was nice enough for my bowel to accept it, so okay la.. Everybody else had pasta while i lost faith in my appetite and only ordered shepards pie. Turns out that Tin2's food was delicious (as the name of the cafe suggests) so i kinda sorta helped finish hers. ^-^

However relieved i am about last night's achievement, there is a crucial setback that was brought by all this barfing: my tonsils are acting up again. The last time this happened was merely a month ago and we all know how i ended up. Here's a reminder:

In the hospital, bloated ugly from the water retention!

I need to go to the hospital to get the meds i need that'll last me until the 2nd day of raya. Then, whatever happens, happens. But being sick, i can't even manage to get out of bed. I hate this feeling!


Thursday 10 September 2009


alrighty then.

it's been a while, and i don't think anyone gives a rat's ass, but i've decided to blog again! yay! this shows how bloody BORED i am..

i don't care if u don't want to know,i'm feeling quite generous so i insist on sharing my emotions of bland boredom with you and tell you how i got here... =) jap. kalo korg xnk tau,korg xkn bukak kn? watever.

after finishing 5 friggin years of 'school after school', i was smart enuff to go for a job interview. lady luck was on my side, and i got the job. however, much to my dismay, i had to start right after my one week's worth of a holiday. such a short period. bummer,but i did fill it up with priceless experiences in Pulau Kapas. and the job came with a bonus. i would have a salary (so used to working for free n not caring) and i'd be close to my (get ready to barf) my sugar bunny and my friends. so apart from maintaining whatever minimum social life i had, i had the chance to keep an eye on that fella.

i worked my ass off.. hang on. my butt got bigger so i guess the right term would be i worked my ass ON from May till August. but i kept reminding myself why in the world i was working. despite the fact that i've somehow grown to love teaching regardless how unequipped i am at it (personally,i don't think i'm as good as everybody esle says i am), i sorta need the money. don't get me wrong, i am a person who can afford to be unemployed for the next 2 years. i'm not saying i'm rich. i'm saying it's possible to manage and live. but i need the money to support him. people keep telling me that i should let him fend for himself and 'be the man'. but how can i live beyond the comfortable level and watch him continue living like that. it's not fair. i choose to embrace what i'm destined for: help him survive until he gets his own job. it's in my name anyways. adilah means = the one who is just.

once i finished keying in the marks of my lovely MEP students, i got a taste of what i would call a post-study break. one that i think i deserved. or so i thought. so after 3 whole excruciating days of true unemployment, i finally admitted that i am the type of person who can't do nothing. hence the boredom seeped in. and i decided to bring my blog back to life. hey. say that sentence fast three times! haha! see what boredom does to me! now i'm sure i look like a twat. talking to myself. technically i'm talking to YOU reader. if there are any readers... =( over...analysing...mode...ugh!

(1 minute passes by)

OKAY. this is what i call fate. just got a text from my ex-boss asking me to come and work in INTEC again! this time,i'll be teaching AUSMAT. =D

wahoooo!!!!!!!!!! no need to feel depressed anymore! or more reason. watever. anything beats boredom!

good side: i'll have a salary again so i'll be able to support my better half!
bad side: don't think this blog is going to be as filled up as i planned...

guess i'm off to start yet another course of WORK. which is NOT BORING. which is GOOD!
and if i ever get bored with my work, i'll be bored with passion!
