Tuesday 22 September 2009

Selamet Dhino Bodho!!

Eid Mubarak People!!

Yes! Raya is here again! This raya is extra special for me coz everybody's home!! YAY! The last time me and my siblings were under one roof was almost a whole decade ago. Yup. That long.

I stopped looking forward to Raya two years ago. Can't really recall why.. But this year, it feels different. I never thought that having a complete family gathering would make me feel soooo satisfied. The emotion is foreign to me, i can't describe it in words. Hmm it's kinda weird, coz i never have difficulty finding words. Well, almost never. hehe.

Anyways, we decided to drive back to Batu Pahat in two seperate cars cuz:
1- Abg has a wife and daughter,duh
2- Amai will take up 3 spaces all by himself. Ok i'm exaggerating. 2 and a half.

All in all, there're nine of us so two cars is actually just nice if not cramped. Daddy,mommy,along and amai went back first in the morning. I was still drooling happily on the sofa when they arrived. Haha. Abang,kakjo,erin,alang and i made a move at 10:30pm. The lights were long gone and the door was locked when we arrived. After waking mommy from her slumber, we tried to sneak in quietly, but you know how kampung floors are... *creeeeeeakkkk*

The next day was a blur. Much to my liking, all i remember is food food more fooood and sleep... My two favourite past times. Hihi~ Oh yeah! make three. Since it's rare for us to gather like this, and even rarer for us to celebrate Raya with a complete quorum, we took the opprtunity to snap as many photos as possible (regardless of the quality-less-ness of the pictures). Here's one:-

Wonder when the next gathering's gonna be...

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